Piriformis Syndrome Exercises (0)
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Inflammation causes the otherwise soft and elastic muscle to stiffen and press on the nearby sciatic nerve. This is often a problem when walking time is increased too quickly. Poor running style can also overload the piriformis. The following exercises can help to reduce tension in and around this muscle.
Foamrolling - Gluteus Maximus & Piriformis - self-massage
Sit on the BLACKROLL® (SLIM). Turn slightly to the side so that the right buttock is supported by the SLIM. Then bend the right leg inwards and place the ankle on the left knee so that the leg rests loosely. Roll slowly back and forth to massage both the Gluteus Maximus and the Piriformis. Change sides after about 30-45 seconds.
Loop Bands - Muscle Strengthening
Lie on your left side with the BLACKROLL®LOOP BAND around your thighs, just above your knees. Bend your legs, place your left hand on your hip and support your head with your right hand. Keep your feet together and lift your right knee as high as possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly lower your knee. Repeat this movement 10 times and then switch sides.